Due to the continuing COVID pandemic Friends of Corlears Hook Park will once again bring a safe, outdoor Halloween trick or treating opportunity to the park for all local families to enjoy. You can view photos from last year’s event here.
How it will work:
We have a lot of families who have pre-registered to attend so we ask that in order for us to have a safe event everyone follow the protocols listed below. If anyone in your trick or treating party is not feeling well please stay home.
If you did not register in advance you can still attend and register on site.
Trick or treating is one way only. Please enter the park at the North Jackson Street entrance and exit at South Jackson Street entrance (see below map).
Hand sanitizer will be available on site as needed.
Please help keep the line of trick or treaters moving. Do not stop to chitchat or play with any neighbors or friends you might run into, move on to the next station after getting treats and exit the park when done so that we can let more people in.
We ask parents/guardians to self-regulate for any kids with food allergies – there will be special purple buckets at some stations for kids with allergies.
We will have a handful of volunteers helping with traffic flow and registration, please be courteous to them.
Trick or Treating Stations include (subject to change):
Asiye Tutoring
Berrios Family
Campbell Family
Girl Scouts
Grand Street Dems
Higgins Family
Japanese Folk Dance Institute of New York
Kidz Smile Dentistry
LES Ecology Center
Manousheh Restaurant
Miller Family
My Little Village preschool
Pilates on Ludlow
Ramos Family
Rebollo Family
Schiller Family
Singh Family
SocRoc Soccer
Yang & Kutter Families
COVID Protocols:
As of September 13 New York State has implemented the CDC's Interim Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People. Fully vaccinated individuals do not need to wear masks or be socially distanced, however unvaccinated children and adults should wear a face covering and practice social distancing.
Trick or Treating Map
This event is generously sponsored by NYC Ferry